Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Downfall of Heroes!

It is official all the good writers have left Heroes and have joined the staff of the show Kings leaving the show like Afghanistan. Bombed out and depleted. Ok this is not written in stone but honestly after the last episode of heroes something has to give. It was horrible first off Sylar is way to powerful, second off he is way to powerful, last in the last five minutes of the show they made him invincible. I hope it is not me but the invincibility of any character means a loss of stakes in the series. There is no everlasting fight between good and evil more or less there is the good running trying to be massacred. The scene in which he lets Micah go does not portray his human qualities as much as his godlikeness in that he can bestow leniency. Unfortunately I would have requested the return of Peter but every time Peter has powers he does something excessively stupid…like trying to release the Shante virus.

Also, What the hell happened to the Aunt the powerful Storm wannabe. One moment she was there and the next thing she was totally gone. I understand the whole mysterio thing but it is a bit late in the season to be doing that it is time for some story line conclusion. The key to a good series is keeping a couple of story lines open that are the most interesting. These are usually the minor plot lines. This season of heroes would take a 12 hour marathon to conclude all the crap the writers have gotten them into. I mean they spent the first 4 episodes of this season trying to get the people with abilities away from the people hunting them. At the end of the last episode they were taken again. Sigh.

I have decided to retract my interest in the show Heroes. The first two seasons were exceptional but with the invincibility of Sylar I just do not understand how they are going to make a recovery that is big enough for me to be interested again. The only scripting I have seen this bad usually has exceptionally hot eye candy in it every couple of episodes. Prime example Baywatch. That’s what Heroes is the Baywatch of NBC they need to cut there lost and reinvest in this excellent series of Heroes. Which has been moved to Saturday I am hoping that isn’t a precursor to being cancelled….but we shall see…

Monday, April 6, 2009


NBC has developed a new Sunday night show named Kings. Maybe this is a preemptive strike to fulfill the place of the slowly deteriorating heroes. After all the episodes are becoming more and more torturous, but I digress. Kings takes place oddly enough not in the modern day world. They have all the benefits of the world such as things like the internet, but countries are different and they have monarchies and such. The bad thing is that most of the series has biblical undertones. Silus is King…David is a Hero….Gath is the name a Country… the list goes on and on.

Despite for the writers love for biblical metaphors the plot is somewhat juicy. The hero falls in love with the king’s daughter and the parents intervene constantly in the relationship to ensure that it will not perpetuate any further. Also, there is the juicy back story that the prince is gay! When this is first brought out I was a little concerned. It almost seemed as if the show was grasping from any angle to keep people interested. The homosexual aspect of Prince Jack Benjamin is not ever fully developed. Instead the plot jumps on to the relationship between David and the princess.

Furthermore, the way the homosexuality was portrayed seems almost a backstep in comparison to other homosexual representations in the media. Jack is shown throughout the series so far as impulsive, irresponsible, and promiscuous. Is this how most homosexuals behave and can they choose to turn it off? King Silus speaks on the issue in a moment with his son in which he states that you have to give up what you want for power. SO basically I guess homosexuality is fine if you do not want to pursue a career. I don’t know I’m only speculating. Its just a little um CONVENIENT.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Good Morning, Baltimore!

So I have decided to start a blog about movies and tv shows. At times I may do drunk postings at times i may do pissed of postings... regardless they are true postings. So stay tuned to my badly punctuated blog and you may save yourself a couple dollars and a couple hours watching bad movies and shows!